Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Homeware Wishlist & Stuck on Storage Ideas!


I hope you're all having a wonderful week, and enjoying the glorious weather:) So this weeks post is about one of my (many) loves: homeware. I won't go on about it as I actually blogged about it HERE which includes several adorable homeware ornaments if any of you are interested.

Because he knows how much I love homeware related things, J very sweetly bought me this simple yet beautiful heart storage drawer. One problem though...I'm not too sure what to store in it!! At the moment I'm storing little tealight candles (another one of my obsessions haha) but I feel that I should really use it for something else. So, what do you guys suggest? Jewellery? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated :) 

If any of you are looking for a gift for your girlfriend or girl friend, this will be perfect. Even without putting anything in the drawers, and making it useful, I think it makes a really beautiful standalone home ornament:) 

Below are just a few more snaps of this cute little drawer set, and also the link if any of you are interested :) I've also included a little homeware wish list as well. I'm not entirely sure how other bloggers make their wish lists look so good! What website do you all use to make those wish list collages? :)
Homeware Haul: Heart Drawer || Life as a Petite
Homeware Haul: Heart Drawer || Life as a Petite
Homeware Haul: Heart Drawer || Life as a Petite
Can you tell that I was trying to be all artistic here? ;p
Homeware Haul: Heart Drawer || Life as a Petite

This is from Dunhelm and you can buy it HERE. Its description states vintage, but I'm not sure why. Some of the photos shown on Dunhelm's website makes the drawers look quite yellow which isn't the case. It's a clean, simple white :)


Homeware Haul || Life as a Petite
 1. Roma Oak Shoe Tidy (Next)
2. Hanging String of Hearts for Photos or Notes  (Fields of Blue) 
3. Two Large Storage Jars in White Wood Rack (Fields of Blue) 
4. White Mirror (Nordic House) 
5. Cut Out Metal Wall Clock  (Next)
6. Candy Country Spot Kitchen Canister Collection (Dunhelm)
7. Extra Large Metal Key Hook  (Next)

Homeware Haul || Life as a Petite
8.  Tree Landscape (Next)
9. Cushion Home Sweet Home in Natural Cotton (Fields of Blue)
10. Cream Chenille Trellis Cushion  (Dunhelm)
11. Cottage Home Cushion Cover  (Dunhelm)
12. Isodore Cream Plaster Cut-Out Wall Light (Laura Ashley)
 13. Knitted Heart Cushion (Dunhelm)


Soo whilst having my songs on shuffle this oldie came up, and I've been listening it non stop. Definitely recommend flicking through your music because there are just so many hidden treasures!

Are you as obsessed with homeware as I am? What would be on your wish list? :) 
Also I would love to hear storage suggestions :)

Enjoy the rest of the week, take care and speak soon! 

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